Sep 28, 2009

Cloudy with a Chance of Anaphylactic Shock

I took my son to see Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs this weekend. Amazing 3D, he's loving it. Then a character has a peanut allergy. Ok, we relate to this character, great. Then the character faces a peanut-laden obstacle. My son starts to get scared, tells me he can't watch, wants to leave. I tell him it's all going to be ok, the character is fine. Then the character establishes contact with the peanut obstacle and swells up like a frightened puffer fish. Now he's really freaked out. I keep repeating "Everyone is fine. She's fine. Everything is fine."
The character receives her shot, I assume an Epipen, and she deflates- whew! "See, everything's fine. She took her shot, she's ok." Now we all feel better. But that was my son's first exposure to what might happen if he has an allergic reaction to peanuts. He thought he would blow up like that. I explained that he wouldn't swell up like that, that he's ok and he seemed relieved. But it was sad that a silly funny movie turned into a bit of a horror movie for him. If we ever buy that one, we are definitely skipping the peanut scene.

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