As soon as he started to take it, you could see it was helping control his allergies. You could see the positive results. Look, we're helping him! Go us! Pollaks-1, Allergies-0. Woo-hoo!
Then the nightmares start again. Slowly. One nightmare every two weeks, one nightmare every week, 2 nightmares a week, the frequency rises. Logan starts to feel afraid to go to sleep, afraid he'll have a bad dream.
Unacceptable! We take him off Singulair again, right before Spring. No more nightmares, but the allergy control is removed. Spring arrives with terrible environmental allergies. He coughs, he sneezes, he wears visible shiners red and black. He wakes up coughing and in a trance depending on the morning and can't stop coughing without a dose of Zyrtec. We turn once again to an allergy medication.
We're desperate. We want to "fix" him. We want to help him feel better, help him live life to his full potential. We try and try and never know if we're getting it right. It's not easy, but we know it could be worse. We know he's OK, not so sick we can't keep him at home. He's not in the hospital. He goes to school (although he has missed 14 days if I'm counting correctly), he plays with friends, he gets to Karate (most of the time) and he's smart, funny, creative, and really good-looking (I may be biased).
I look forward to summer, putting the days of pollen behind us and possibly moving to the desert someday. Colorado Springs looks just lovely :)
Nice blog regarding Singulair
Beclovent | Brethine
Great knowledge you are shared, thanks
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