The most frustrating and worrisome part of having such a severely allergic son is feeling helpless. I hate giving him meds. I hate running him to doctors. I hate how sick he's been and how much school and karate he's missed. I hate how thin he looks again. I don't know how to "fix" him.
I wish I knew what was right. I feel so ambivalent about giving him medicine. All the doctors tell me not to stop the medicine. That's a big mistake. Don't stop if he "seems" better. But how do I know the medicine won't hurt him? How do I know the consequences of giving him medicine won't appear years from now? I don't. I have to trust his doctors because I am not a doctor. It's like trusting your mechanic when you bring in your car, but there's so much more to lose when they're fixing your son.
I try to remember I feel like this every winter. That he's sick every winter and we feel like we're hibernating and then things get better in the Spring. Except for the pollen. Damn pollen.